Year: 2021-2022
DanceForce Member: Margarita Espada
Artist: Lia Viridiana Dominguez
Community Partners: Custer Institute and Observatory, Long Island; Suffolk Community College; SUNY Stony Brook; Teatro Yerbabruja Cultural Center
Audience: 355
County: Suffolk
Constellations is a multimedia/interdisciplinary performance that integrates dance, theater, sound, and painting with technology to create a multisensory experience. This piece was created as a reflection during the pandemic lockdown. A constellation is a group of stars united by imaginary lines that form silhouettes that are recognized according to the cultures that interpret them. The constellations have served as maps for us human beings who try to find physical and spiritual paths or to understand our existence. These last two years we confirmed that to survive we need our network and to find our place between earth and space. These human constellations are the only hope to survive natural or social epidemics. In this production dancers’ bodies are used alongside new technology to create a conversation that explores our personal stories in contemporary narratives creating performative installations.
Names of principal artists involved, including local collaborating artists:
Lia Viridiana Dominguez- Dancer/Choreographer
Karen Mena- Dancer
Margarita Espada-Artistic Director
Joan Wozniak- Multimedia Designer
Philip Baldwin- Multimedia Designer
Planning process:
The project was an investigative process connecting the personal experiences of the artists in relation to the concept of Constellations and the lockdown during COVID 19. The team explored the concept of family constellations, stars, planets, and comets, integrating it into personal and family experiences and community.
Contemporary dance workshops with multimedia equipment for Latino youth. July 15 from 10:00 to 1:00 pm. As part of the summer program for young women run by the Latino Teacher Association. 30 participants. Place Firehouse Gallery
Community Conversations:
July 26, 7:00 pm. Zoom. Dance and Community Connections.
Sept. 2, 6:00 pm at Custer Observatory. Open Rehearsal and talk back with Stony Brook multimedia and dance students.
Sept. 5, 8:00 pm performance at the Cluster Observatory under the stars performance for an audience of 300 people.
Promotional and marketing activities:
The project was promoted on social networks including the creation of events and paid advertisements on Instagram, Facebook, Eventbrite and Yerbabruja Website. Also used emails, local newspapers, and flyer promotion with local organizations.
Community/organizational partners:
Long Island Latino Teacher Association ( new partnership)
Custer Observatory ( new partnership)
Stony Brook University, Suffolk Community College
Communities and/or special populations served:
Youth, Latinx, seniors