Year: 2014-2015
DanceForce Member: Diana Cherryholmes
Artist: Rioult Dance
Community Partner: Town of Huntington
Audience: 750
County: Suffolk
The goal was to present Rioult Dance for a full evening performance, a post-performance Q&A, and an open rehearsal. We also planned to offer a master class for dancers.
The planning process developed as we met with the company and its booking manager to discuss dates, fee and scope of activity. We felt that Rioult Dance would be perfect for our audience. After confirming the date, planning commenced with company manager Amy Harrison.
The company performed on a beautiful clear 70-degree evening. They performed pieces from their repertoire of VIEWS OF THE FLEETING WORLD, ON DISTANT SHORES—a redemption fantasy—and BOLERO. BOLERO was an especially stunning piece.
We promoted the performance and lecture-demonstration utilizing our standard methods of Facebook, Arts Cultural News distribution (90,000), posters and flyers, and press releases. We also utilized the members of the Long Island Dance Consortium.