Year: 2015-2016
DanceForce Member: Jacquie Davis
Artists: TBD
Community Partner: The College at Brockport
Audience: 1,900
County: Monroe
BROCKPORTSUMMERDANCE, tentatively scheduled for the last two weeks of May 2016, provides a two-week creative process residency opportunity to four choreographers. They are given studio/theater work space in The College at Brockport’s Department of Dance to create new work and/or develop work in progress. Housing and honoraria are also provided. In contrast to other summer dance company residencies at the College, the Department provides both space and administrative support for this project. The four artists, nominated by a curator panel of Brockport faculty, work independently but are encouraged to interact with one another; each also teaches two workshop classes per day.
BROCKPORTSUMMERDANCE workshop participants register, at minimal expense, for two weeks of classes and may also attend open rehearsals and choreographer presentations of work in progress. In keeping with the residency’s focus on the creative process, no performances are scheduled. A minimum of twenty dancers, many from the Department of Dance, are expected to register; the workshop will be publicized nationally.
Community members are encouraged to meet the four choreographers and learn about their work processes through scheduled interactive opportunities.
Planning is finalized after the evaluation of a May 2015 BROCKPORTSUMMERDANCE one week pilot residency project.